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October is Nursing Home Residents’ Rights Month

October is “Residents’ Rights Month,” which focuses on the dignity, respect, and rights of each resident of a long-term care facility.  The federal Nursing Home Reform Law guarantees residents’ rights and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity, choice, and self-determination.  The law also requires nursing homes to “promote and protect the rights of each resident.”

The theme for the 2020 Residents’ Rights Month is “Connections Matter,” emphasizing connections to family, friends, and the community.  The COVID-19 pandemic obviously limited connections inside long-term care facilities earlier this year, but many restrictions are now lifting.  It is so important for family and friends to visit their loved ones in nursing homes.  Not only for the mental health of the resident, but also to check up on their care. 

Unfortunately, nursing homes don’t always give residents the care, respect, and dignity they deserve.  Most issues related to negligent care in nursing homes is due to corporate owners putting profits over patients and failing to provide the appropriate number of caregivers in the facility.  Too often, nurses are tasked with caring for more patients then they are able and negligent care results. 

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